

Juni 17, 2024

Lusine „Lu“ Gevorkyan – Creative Evening.

Lusine „Lu“ Gevorkyan, the lead singer of the band Louna and former member of Tracktor Bowling, is returning to Europe with an updated concert program for a creative evening.

Lu’s creative evening features recognizable songs from the first notes, beloved by listeners from the repertoires of her bands, Louna and Tracktor Bowling, in acoustic arrangements, as well as cover versions of global hits and atmospheric improvisations, where Lu performs favorite compositions together with audience members.

The uniqueness of this concert and its format also lies in the fact that everyone will have the opportunity to interact with Lu, ask questions of interest, and simply talk about life and music, recall various tour stories, share their own – in short, have a great time in good company.

Such an exclusive creative evening is sure to leave no one indifferent!